
Group Plans Event for Suffrage Day

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Women’s Network Alert and Women For: Orange County will have their 13th annual Suffrage Day luncheon Aug. 24.

Four Orange County women will be honored for their contributions on behalf of women.

Hinda Beral will be recognized for her work at the Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter and Planned Parenthood, and Madeleine Wakamatsu will be honored for her advocacy on behalf of children and young adults.

Also recognized will be Anita Varela, coordinator of the “Upward Bound” program at Cal State Fullerton, and Lynne Davanzo, president of the United Nations Assn.


This year’s event is dedicated to the memory of Newport Beach resident and Fulbright scholar Amy Biehl, who was killed in South Africa last August as she drove friends to their home in the black township of Guguletu.

The luncheon commemorates the Aug. 26, 1920, passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.

It will be at the Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Highway, at noon.

The cost is $15. Reservations: (714) 854-1155.
