

Associated Press

The Montreal Expos became the first club to announce layoffs during the strike, and the New York Yankees said more than half their staff had been sent on vacation. Montreal said 35 employees were put on vacation this week and they will be laid off when their vacations end after the strike’s second week.


Baseball fans would help settle future baseball disputes under legislation introduced in the Senate.

The bill sponsored by Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.) would establish a five-member major league baseball commission consisting of three fans selected by the president, one player and one owner.


It would have the power to impose binding arbitration to settle disagreements between players and owners and regulate expansion, ticket prices, stadium financing, television revenues, marketing and merchandising.


In another attempt to pressure baseball to end its strike, an organization of fans and a consumer group began a petition drive.

Sports Fans United and the Consumer Federation of America said they expect to gather “thousands and thousands” of names on paper petitions and through an on-line computer service urging Congress to step in and end the strike.
