
Supervisors Raked for Endorsement of Gov. Wilson


* After 46 years of covering and watching the activities of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, I thought I had seen just about everything--good, bad and indifferent. But the recent press conference where four of the five supervisors publicly announced their endorsement of Gov. Pete Wilson’s reelection efforts--and the fifth let it be known that her feelings were along the same track--established an all-time low in political savvy, ethics and even decency.

There are several reasons for that. No. 1: The last time I looked, the five supervisors hold nonpartisan offices, which, if I’m not mistaken, are designed to provide at least the impression of equal representation for all their constituents, regardless of party registration.

No. 2: What message does this action send to the 394,718 registered Democrats in Orange County? Believe it or not, that’s a pretty large group to be disenfranchised by their so- called “elected representatives.”


No. 3: The announcement was obviously timed to create the most embarrassment for Kathleen Brown’s major appearance in Orange County the following day.

No. 4: The five supervisors and their Republican puppeteers notwithstanding, there is a very strong possibility that Brown could be the next governor of California. If that happens, just how strong a voice do our esteemed supervisors think they will have in Sacramento! It shouldn’t be necessary to remind them that one of the primary watchwords in politics has always been, “Don’t get mad, get even.” Orange County has frequently claimed under the Wilson Administration that it doesn’t get its fair share of state funds. It may have seen nothing yet and guess what part of the population will have to bear the heaviest share of that little problem.

No, I’m afraid about the nicest thing you could say about their joint action is that it was short-sighted. For some of us, the word “dumb” comes to mind. Or maybe even “arrogant” would be a better description.


Santa Ana
