
Time for a Truce

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After reading the article, “Velthoen Says His Image Was Damaged,” Sept. 1, I came to the conclusion that this whole thing is much ado about nothing. People say many things in jest not meaning them to be taken seriously, and this seems to be one of those times. But if Port Hueneme council member Toni Young’s comments are to be taken seriously, then I think City Manager Dick Velthoen should look to himself for unfavorable comments he has made about Ms. Young--and certainly he owes her an apology for the way he treats her during council meetings.

I have been present when he has been most sarcastic to Ms. Young and puts her down in front of the public. Somewhere along the line, something has gone awry. I thought the City Council members were Mr. Velthoen’s employers. Instead it seems they have given him carte blanche to do whatever he wants and he is their employer.

I honestly think the city manager feels that he is doing good things for Port Hueneme. The trouble is that this is his assumption. Why didn’t he and the City Council submit a referendum or at least take a representative poll of the voters to find out how they felt about the RV park and some of the other issues that have divided the city?


As I see it, until Toni Young was elected to the council, the city manager pretty much had his way. But when she differed with him and stood up to him as she should have done if that was her belief, he found someone who had the guts to stand up to him and that has made him very angry. I think it is time to call a truce and get on with city business.


Port Hueneme
