
TOPICS / BRIEFLY : Schools: 40 Computers Donated to San Pedro High

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A city of Los Angeles program has helped secure 40 computers for the San Pedro High School library.

L.A. Shares, a nonprofit city program, accepts corporate and business donations and gives them to cash-strapped schools and other nonprofit organizations.

Representatives of the program and Councilman Rudy Svorinich Jr., whose district covers San Pedro, gave the school seven computers last week.


The donation brought the number of computers in the library to 20. The Los Angeles-based Detwiler Foundation is expected to donate another 20 computers through a computer matching program, school Principal Rey A. Mayoral said.

“We don’t have the resources in our budget to purchase big-ticket items like this,” Mayoral said. “So, we try to do some innovative things to get some of these high-tech items.”

Mayoral estimated that the cost to the school to purchase the computers would have been more than $35,000.
