
Gun Resale, Manufacture


Gov. Pete Wilson’s recent veto of the measure to ban the resale of firearms seized from criminals (Oct. 2) is another example of society’s loss of moral direction. The explanation for the veto was that the measure would only be “symbolic.”

Wouldn’t it be refreshing for someone in a position of leadership to take the moral high ground and do something “symbolic” (in the face of being unable to do something substantive)! The gun manufacturers and the NRA are “well and thriving,” and that issue surely needs to be addressed, but to recycle seized guns is total capitulation and sanctifies the existence and inevitability of a violent, gun-dominated society. Can the police agencies in their quest for funds live with the possibility that these already seized guns may be recycled and turned against them?

If ever there was a reason to reject someone for reelection . . .


Van Nuys

* Gov. Wilson vetoed the bill banning the sale of confiscated weapons by our local cities. I guess putting more guns out on the street will aid his “three strikes” program in being a success.



Los Angeles

* Re “Southland Firms Dominate Market for Small Handguns,” Sept 23:

Now we hear that cheap, small-caliber, low-capacity pistols are “the weapons of choice for criminals,” a moniker of vilification recently exclusive to expensive, high-powered, large-capacity assault weapons. This abrupt redefinition demonstrates either: the crime bill’s assault weapons ban--law for only a few weeks--has criminals panicked, hastily abandoning their formerly requisite weapons and overwhelmingly acquiring these bargains; or yet another example of politicians’ and mainstream media’s contempt for the public’s intellect by attempting to manipulate popular opinion using emotion and hyperbole, eschewing statistical and empirical evidence.

The answer, of course, is obvious. Tragically, the media’s self-righteous obsession with vilifying instruments used to inflict harm obscures the problem: pervasive violence, particularly among our youth. Sensationalizing inanimate weapons--machine gun to zip gun, stiletto knife to sharpened paint roller handle--cannot mitigate the gut-wrenching agony of victims’ families, loved ones and friends . . . and will not stop the carnage.


Temple City

* I am very disappointed. The Times has had wonderful articles, both editorials and news items, about gun violence, but why no publicity on the symposium on gun violence held on Sept. 24 and 25 at the Bonaventure Hotel? I am sure that every effort was made by the Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Foundation for Global Community to get this information out to the public.

There were wonderful speakers and informative workshops on this important subject, but so little attendance. For shame.


Los Angeles
