
FAMILY LINES: Orange Coast College runs in...


FAMILY LINES: Orange Coast College runs in the Peterson family. In 1947, Basil H. Peterson founded the school on a vacant plot and became its first president. His son, Richard B. Peterson, played on the OCC basketball team four years later. Now, grandson Alan Peterson has made it a point to enroll at OCC. “I didn’t get a chance to know my grandfather well when I was young, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become interested in his life,” says Peterson, 22, who plans to transfer to Brigham Young University in January.

HERE AND NOW: At Cal State Fullerton, four students have started a chapter of NOW, the National Organization for Women. Men are welcome, too. Just ask the president, Mr. Bil Corry, a women’s studies minor. Corry, 25, says more men should learn about women: “It can only improve your life when you consider half the people you deal with are of the other gender.”

HALL CRAWL: Student activism over the years has varied from anti-war movements to protests over fee hikes. At Chapman University, a group called Artemis has formed to advocate animal rights. But Artemis founder Sara McCann, above, says the group has aroused suspicions. . . . After Chapman’s most-prized turtle vanished from the science department, campus officials questioned McCann; she was cleared when it was found wandering in a lab. “Now,” says McCann, 20, a history major, “my friends are all buying me little turtle miniatures.”


COMPU-JOBS: A new program at various Orange County community colleges helps students with the business of job hunting by linking them electronically to the job market. Accounting students, for example, can have their job skills typed into a computer which then lists county companies with related job openings, says Darlene Jensen, supervisor of job placement at Fullerton College. . . . The system includes information on wages, job requirements and which careers are hot. Says Jensen: “We want to help students look beyond just getting a job now, and look at building a career.”
