
Marriage Not Enough to Qualify for Office

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Barbara Yaroslavsky wants to represent the 5th City Council District, but qualifications for office are not absorbed through marriage.

Would you let your surgeon’s spouse perform your appendectomy? Would you let the pilot’s spouse fly your jumbo jet? Barbara Yaroslavsky has no experience in public office whatsoever, other than dinner conversation and pillow talk with her husband, Zev.

These are grievous times for the 5th District. We face the seemingly insurmountable task of rebuilding our neighborhoods from the devastation of Jan. 17. The inner city has not yet recovered from the riots, and race relations and conflicts over illegal immigration threaten to Balkanize our melting pot. The police are overwhelmed by the armed thugs taking over our once-peaceful communities. The city is struggling to cope with an enduring recession, stretching and reallocating dollars to make $5 cover debts of $10.


The public’s distrust of incumbents and career politicians notwithstanding, now is not the time to have a neophyte in City Council. If Barbara Yaroslavsky truly cares about Los Angeles, she should recognize that we need an experienced, heavily qualified leader in 1995 and she should withdraw her candidacy immediately.


