
Never let it be said the city...


Never let it be said the city of Pasadena can’t get no satisfaction:

The Rolling Stones violated wild-and-crazy Pasadena’s midnight curfew one night at the Rose Bowl, and they’ll have to pay for it.

Mick and the boys played late into the night--well, until 12:03 a.m., actually--and, so, they’ve received a $6,000 bill (at $2,000 per minute).

When it comes to concerts, the Rose Bowl people are real clock-watchers.

“It’s almost like a military operation,” said Dave Jacobs, the stadium’s general manager. “We synchronize watches with the promoter beforehand.”


Then, about three minutes before midnight, Jacobs checks the correct time by telephone. “And we keep the phone open so we know the exact time (the concert ends),” he added.

Who would have thought the Rolling Stones would require such monitoring? Those old-timers shouldn’t be up that late anyway.


Horror in the court! Horror in the court!Some camera technicians outside the Criminal Courts Building donned homemade masks Monday--blown up newspaper photos of defense attorney Robert Shapiro. He smiled at the tribute.


Hanging 2-4-5-7-9-11-13, etc.: We know that surfers have oceanic rivalries with swimmers, Boogie Boarders (whom they call “spongers”), fishermen, motorized water skiers and kayakers and other surfers (long boarders vs. short boarders).

But we never knew they had a beef with couch potatoes until we saw the latest issue of Surfer magazine.

A letter writer strenuously objects to “the use of the phrase ‘channel surfing.’ Now what does changing channels on a television have to do with surfing?”


The writer adds: “It’s not too late to fight back. Don’t let the outside world take away the last few words we use to describe what we are and what we do.”

The magazine headlined the letter, “Maybe ‘Channel Roller-Blading’ would be better.”


Attention big wheels: Patti Lagomarsino of Marina del Rey found an ad in the Penny Saver for a luxurious exercise bike that apparently comes equipped with a supporting cast.


The best we could say is we owned a Bug once: Allan Mandell of San Diego saw nothing unusual about the parking lot receipt that we mentioned the other day--the one that warns the driver to “Lock Your Cat.” But then Mandel drives a Jaguar.

miscelLAny “All aboard for Anaheim, Azusa and Kook-a-mon-ga”--the cry of the train conductor on the old Jack Benny Show--still has some relevance. A Metrolink station is opening in Rancho Kook-a-mon-ga today. Passengers boarding at that station may obtain free tickets through Friday. Anaheim already has a station. Still no word from Azusa, though.
