
Tracks Make an Offer Jockeys Might Accept


A possible agreement in the insurance negotiations between jockeys and the nation’s racetracks developed Friday after the tracks presented what they called “our best and final offer.”

Speaking from Tucson, John Giovanni, national manager of the Jockeys’ Guild, said, “This could work. . . . I’ll take it back to my executive board, and we’ll crunch some numbers.”

The tracks have given the guild until next Friday to respond to their offer, which includes a $100,000 ceiling for medical and surgical coverage, up from $50,000; $200 in weekly disability payments, up from $100, and $25,000 for accidental death or dismemberment, up from $5,000.


The tracks also said they would continue to pay $1.7 million toward premiums. To make up the premium deficit, which was almost $800,000 in 1993, the jockeys have suggested that each track run one extra race a year as a fund-raiser, and on Friday the tracks said they would give that idea “fair consideration.”
