
Fans Face Some Disconcerting Security : Music Men on Prop. 187


In “Proving Music Knows No Borders” (Nov. 24), Esa-Pekka Salonen, touring with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in Mexico, is quoted saying that Proposition 187 is “based on a lack of knowledge and a lack of rational thought.” He also connects the ebb of interest in classical music to Prop. 187. Ernest Fleischmann echoes this by saying, “Let’s not despair; Prop. 187 is a temporary thing.” He also coins the phrase political politicians as the alleged movers of Prop. 187.

Salonen and Fleischmann are protected under free speech. The situation changes when--as quasi cultural ambassadors--statements are made that demean the majority of California voters, including Philharmonic supporters, who allegedly lack knowledge and rational thought. In this context these statements were ill-advised.


Granada Hills
