
‘Selling Yourself’ Can Be a Good Thing

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Regarding Wendy Witherspoon’s article, “Introductory Course Has Believers, Critics” (Dec. 17):

I was a Southern California prep athlete who went through the collegiate athletic recruiting process. I was fortunate to have scholarship opportunities at the Division I level, and in the end, I chose a small school because it was the best fit for me both academically and athletically.

I was also the one who wrote the personal letters myself without the recruiting service. The lessons I learned from this as a 16- and 17-year-old were invaluable when it came time to pursue a career after sports.


Parents and coaches should urge prep athletes to “sell themselves” in presenting the full package of what they have to offer, because it is not just the athlete, it is the young man or woman who ultimately becomes part of the larger team that contributes to our society. Start early in developing those skills, because the benefits will last a lifetime.

BILL KOURY, Hermosa Beach
