
A License to Breed


Referring to the intended all-out attack by police, animal control officers and cowboys on dogs in the Ventura River bottom (“Complaints About Dog Packs on the Increase,” Jan. 7), I have a constructive suggestion.

As a concerned worker in two volunteer programs dedicated to solving the problem (one offering free spaying and neutering and the other supplying food for hungry dogs of the homeless and poor), I realize we are making no progress.

Why? Because owners mostly and adamantly refuse to have their pets sterilized--and see no contradiction in both breeding and asking for free food for six, eight, 11 puppies. These pathetic little creatures receive no health shots and are handed out to other indigents who then allow them to breed and repeat the sad cycle. The net result is the reported uncontrolled dog overpopulation.


One simple ordinance, strictly enforced, would go far to stop the problem: Make it illegal to breed dogs without a kennel license. If at the same time concerned humane organizations offer free sterilization of dogs belonging to homeless owners and low-cost surgery for those of the poor, no injustice would be involved.

The alternative is a continuation of the present system of allowing untold numbers of puppies to be born, become dog packs, and target practice for anyone with a grudge. And it will go on forever.


