
Relative Charged in Home Kidnap, Rape

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A 41-year-old man was charged Tuesday with eight felonies, including kidnap, rape and assault with a deadly weapon, in connection with a brutal assault on a family member, authorities said.

Because of the serious nature of the charges, Jose Del Campo of Burbank qualifies for the new “one strike” state law, authorities said.

The law requires a sentence of up to life in prison for first-time violent sex offenders for sexual assaults involving such things as torture, mayhem, kidnaping or burglary with the intent to commit rape.


“A person only has to meet two criteria in that legislation to qualify,” said Deputy Dist. Atty. Elizabeth Abbott Siegmund. “He met four of them.”

She said that Del Campo went to the relative’s house Friday on the ruse that he wanted his VCR back and, she said, struck the victim on the head with a wooden club when she answered the door.

Del Campo was carrying a bag filled with rope, duct tape and a knife, said Siegmund. “He was one of the most thorough rapists I have seen,” she said. “It was very unusual.”


According to Siegmund, Del Campo beat, bound and raped the woman at knifepoint in her home and then kidnapped her and fled en route to Mexico. He stopped to get medical help in Encinitas after the woman--who was bleeding from the head and hand--promised that she would not tell authorities how she was injured, Siegmund said.

The woman remained calm as she was admitted to the emergency room, but once alone with doctors, told them she had been attacked.

San Diego County Sheriff’s deputies were called and arrested Del Campo as he sat in his van waiting for the victim, Siegmund said.


Del Campo is being held at Burbank city jail in lieu of $500,000 bail, she said.
