
DOWNTOWN : Photos Sought of Armenians in L.A.

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The Central Library is seeking photographs depicting the lives of Armenian Americans in Los Angeles for its collection.

Photos will be duplicated and returned to owners from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 4 at the library, Fifth and Flower streets.

The library is looking for pictures that depict family life and business and community events.


“We need anything that shows the social life and the contributions of the Armenians to the cultural diversity of Southern California,” said Sylva Manoogian, the library’s liaison to the Armenian community.

Los Angeles is home to the largest population of Armenians--about 350,000 to 450,000--outside of Armenia, Manoogian said. The library staff also plans to go to Armenian communities, such as Hollywood and Glendale, to gather more photographs.

The project is part of “Shades of L.A.,” an effort that started in 1990 to broaden the representation of ethnic groups in the library’s photograph collection. The project has already collected photos from the African American, Mexican American and Asian communities, expanding the collection by 5,000 images.


Later this year, the project will focus on the Iranian and Arab communities.

Information: Manoogian at (213) 228-7131 or Sojin Kim at (213) 227-7416.
