
Angela Davis

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Re “Angela Davis Again at Center of UC Storm,” Feb. 20:

So state Sen. Bill Leonard (R-San Bernardino) is worried about Angela Davis’ UC stipend upsetting race relations “at a time when we’re trying to reconcile racial and gender differences.” We?

Leonard goes on to tell us that this stipend is “an affront to liberal thought.” He’s not trying to tell us he’s a liberal, is he? That he, a Republican, actually cares about people and is working to reconcile racial and gender differences? Is that what the effort to end affirmative action is all about--reconciling racial differences?

Gee, refresh my memory. In the 51 years of my life I never recall Republican Party officials taking a step forward in race relations without a liberal Supreme Court or Congress pushing them. Somehow I didn’t get the feeling that its recent proliferation of Newt-wit ideas was such a step.



Dana Point

While old soldiers may just fade away, old communists have the option of joining the University of California where they can live off the taxpayers. Most Americans over 35 can well remember world communism-espousing Angela Davis as its darling, with parades and rallies everywhere and that picture, repeat, the picture, with her Afro hair looking down at us from billboards everywhere.

Instead of being rewarded for the troubles she has caused, she should again be tried, now for violating the civil rights of those killed in the shootout with the Soledad Brothers in 1970.

What could be next, a national monument to the Rosenbergs?


Rancho Palos Verdes
