
Clarence Salyer


* Re “2 Farm Giants End Decades of Rivalry With Land Deal,” Feb. 10:

Your article concerning the takeover of Salyer American by J.G. Boswell Co. was flawed. It seems that something of this nature should have been reported in the business section in a very businesslike manner. Instead it was an inaccurate portrayal of Clarence Salyer, who passed away 21 years ago.

Salyer was a pioneer in California agriculture, arriving in Corcoran, California, by train in 1917 with his wife and year-old son and $100. Through hard work, perseverance and a forceful and aggressive nature he managed to turn the $100 into a farming empire of 55,000 acres. He was a man of vision, a man who helped many, many people, and a man with a heart as big as the whole outdoors, not a man as portrayed by your writer.

I should know, I am his daughter.


