
NORWALK : $2.5 Million in Road Repairs to Start Soon

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A program that seeks to smooth over now-bumpy rides by resurfacing key city streets will soon get underway, officials said.

The project, which will be financed with about $2.5 million in federal, state and county funds, includes repaving portions of heavily traveled thoroughfares, synchronizing stop lights and fixing potholes.

A $558,000 overhaul of Firestone Boulevard between Studebaker Road and the Downey border will begin in May. Firestone will be completely resurfaced and, if funds allow, spruced up with a planted median.


“It has really been destroyed by years of traffic,” said Deputy City Manager Dan Keen.

Repairs to Norwalk Boulevard from Alondra Boulevard to 166th Street and Excelsior Drive to Mapledale Street are also scheduled.

Several residential roads will receive a fresh coat of road sealant, Keen said.
