
Joe Roth and the Intrigue at Disney

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A fascinating tale of intrigue, cabal and “see no evil” at the three divisions of Walt Disney Motion Pictures, the new unit headed by Joe Roth (“Disney Skull Session: Button Your Lip,” Feb. 21).

The article gives the impression that Disney has forgotten how to make movies (not quite true if you look at triumphs like “Pretty Woman”) and that Roth is going to turn all that around.

Seems to me Roth’s most recent effort at producing, the recently released “Jerky Boys” (the credits say “produced by Joe Roth”), a film that is actually a good example of a “Joe Roth” film, would make one wonder how any Oscar-quality films can emanate from Disney ever again with Roth at the helm. Pretty soon people will be asking, “How would Jeffrey have done this?”



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