
LAGUNA NIGUEL : City’s Future Linked to Commercial Strip

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Taking a hard look at the area’s economy, a new study says that the city’s financial potential is still a few years away from being fully realized.

The study covered a major growth area in the city: a long strip of land running alongside Interstate 5.

Although great commercial opportunities exist with the freeway so close, access to the land is a problem because railroad tracks run parallel to the interstate.


However, the 85-page report gave the City Council and staff some clear directions to improve Laguna Niguel’s financial health.

Among the land’s assets:

* The pending completion of the San Joaquin Hills tollway, which will pass nearby.

* Substantial improvements to Crown Valley and Avery parkways, the major streets running through the area.

* The recent opening of the Cabot Road extension. Possibly the most critical road in the Laguna Niguel economic corridor, the north-south route now extends from San Juan Capistrano to Laguna Hills.


* A future MetroLink station at Forbes Road, just south of Crown Valley Parkway.

Councilwoman Janet Godfrey wants to help companies already located in the key strip.

“We feel great loyalty to all the businesses down there that have stayed with us,” she said. “They have dreadful signage and the access is tough, yet they continue to produce.”

The report will be studied by council and city staff and members, and economic strategy will be discussed at future meetings.
