
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : Foundation Starts Fund for Mission

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The Orange County Community Foundation has established a fund for the preservation of Mission San Juan Capistrano.

The fund was set up to accept money from corporations and foundations whose rules may forbid donations to organizations with religious affiliations, such as the mission, which is operated by the Roman Catholic Church.

Donations to the special mission conservancy fund are tax deductible, according to mission officials.


The mission, which was founded in 1776, is in urgent need of repair to keep some of its walls and buildings from crumbling further. The estimated price for restoration of the landmark has been put at $10 million.

Each year, about 400,000 people visit the mission, which operates on visitor fees and contributions.

The Orange County Community Foundation is a charitable organization started in 1989 to support social, educational, scientific and cultural needs in the county.


Information: (714) 553-4202.
