
ORANGE : Ordinance May Shift Tree Care to Residents

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Homeowners could be saddled with caring for the trees that line city streets if an ordinance presented to the City Council this week survives further scrutiny.

Council members were set to vote Tuesday on a seemingly innocuous change in the municipal code, but some sharp-eyed residents found a clause that would turn over maintenance, trimming and replacement of city trees from the Public Works Department to homeowners.

“It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to properly maintain all parkway street trees abutting his property regardless of whether such property is developed,” a paragraph of the clause reads. Parkway is later defined as the stretch of land between the sidewalk and the curb.

Some residents told council members that the city planted trees too close to sewer and water lines 30 years ago, and residents should not be responsible for such trees.


“People are just managing to get by, and they do not want to trim the trees, and they do not want to replace the trees,” complained resident Lois Bark, adding she is also concerned about being held liable for damage or accidents caused by city trees.

Public Works Director Harry W. Thomas said later that language in question has always been in the code and that the section was not changed during the revision. “I don’t believe that the intent of the code is to shift tree-trimming from the city to the homeowners,” he said.

The council postponed a vote on the ordinance amendment until members can review it in detail a study session, as yet unscheduled.
