
Arts Mecca: Support From Business Owners

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I was pleased to see that you had the foresight to provide cover story attention to the Venice Arts Mecca project (“Creative Touch,” Feb. 26). The Venice Arts Mecca’s popularity and support grows exponentially in the Venice community as people become aware of the potential offered by rehabilitating the Venice Pavilion.

My 4-year-old son has discovered a whole new world in his Saturday afternoon paint class sponsored by the Venice Arts Mecca. The studio is provided by a talented Venice painter. The sight of 20 children absorbed in their own delight of artistic expression while happily interacting with each other is breathtaking.

I felt the reader was a bit misled in the cover article when its writer stated that for the most part the land and business owners were not in support of renovating the pavilion. This simply is not true. Being a Venice land and business owner, I have had considerable opportunity to talk with other Venice land and business owners. Once they understand the Venice Art Mecca’s plan they are thrilled at the prospect of true development in the community. Development of the human spirit.


I appreciate your heightened focus on the Venice Arts Mecca by printing the intelligent cover story.

