
Condition of Shot Officer Takes a Turn for Worse

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The condition of the 30-year-old Newport Beach police officer who was shot in the head earlier this month deteriorated slightly over the weekend, a hospital spokeswoman said Monday.

Robert J. Henry has been in a coma since March 12, when police believe he was shot in a parking lot by Carlos Caicedo, 24, of Garden Grove. Caicedo, who is thought to have gone to the parking lot to commit suicide, was found dead of a gunshot wound.

Henry had shown improvement last week, but his brain swelling worsened slightly over the weekend because of fluid buildup, hospital officials said.


The buildup caused increased pressure on his brain, according to Maureen Mazzatenta, spokeswoman for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian.

She released a statement from Henry’s neurosurgeon, who has declined to be identified in an effort to avoid direct media queries.

“The increased brain swelling and the fact that he’s still unconscious are bothersome,” the neurosurgeon’s statement said. “But he has a lot of other things working in his favor. His vital signs remain good, he’s breathing on his own, and he’s able to maintain his own blood pressure. These are all signs that his brain is still functioning.”


Other than the increased swelling, a CAT scan done Friday showed Henry’s condition remains the same. He is still listed in critical condition.
