
FULLERTON : Former Cal State Chicano Studies Students Form Alumni Chapter


Former Cal State Fullerton Chicano studies students are forming an alumni association chapter in an effort to strengthen ties among graduates and to celebrate their department’s 25th year in existence.

About 300 people have graduated from the university with degrees in Chicano studies, said Isaac Cardenas, the department’s chairman.

He said the new alumni chapter will focus on encouraging Latino youths to apply for a college education, to increase awareness about the social, historical and political aspects of the Chicano community and to have graduates serve as role models.


“Basically, we’ll be doing community outreach,” said Sally Greer, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Chicano studies in 1991. “We’re going to encourage Latinos and Chicanos in schools and in the community to enroll in Chicano studies to gain knowledge of themselves. . . . We also will encourage them to assist others and go on with a higher education to gain a voice and be able to effect change.”

Roberto Elizondo said he learned about his heritage and became proud of who he is while an undergraduate majoring in Chicano studies, and he wants others to have the same experience.

Cardenas said that before Cal State Fullerton established the Chicano studies department, classes in the subject were offered to educate students about their culture.

The alumni chapter also is organizing a 25th anniversary celebration to take place on campus June 3. All department graduates are invited to join the association.
