
Cypress Refuses to Endorse County’s Half-Cent Tax Hike

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With all five of its members denouncing the proposal, the City Council has refused a county request to endorse a half-cent increase in the sales tax.

The council did not vote on the request at its meeting Monday, agreeing instead to send county Chief Executive Officer William J. Popejoy a letter on council members’ objections to a tax increase.

Popejoy had sent a letter to the council asking that it pass a resolution in favor of the tax hike. The money would be used to help the bankrupt county recover from its financial crisis.


Popejoy’s letter said: “I know this will be a difficult decision, but it is critical that we have your support as we embark on this strategy, which will enable the county to emerge from bankruptcy with our schools solvent, our cities made whole and county government in the hands of Orange County citizens.”

At the council meeting, however, Mayor Cecilia L. Age said Popejoy’s letter did not persuade her.

“I’m not in favor of this (tax increase proposal), but it’s on our agenda so we can discuss it,” Age said.


The four other council members criticized the tax increase, with most saying county government has not yet done enough budget cutting.

“The county has a duty to prove they’ve made every cut they could,” Councilwoman Gail H. Kerry said.

“Hell, anyone can raise taxes,” added Councilman Walter K. Bowman. “The hard part is to cut back” on spending.
