
Article on Teen-Age Life in Antelope Valley Biased


Your article about teen-age life in the Antelope Valley (March 13) was one of the worst, most biased pieces of journalism I have ever seen in your newspaper.

I mean, blaming fundamentalist Christians and Republicans for cramping the lifestyles of the teen-agers living there? Come on! These teens have the same complaints I had when I was growing up . . . “there’s nothing to do!” And in my hometown, Republicans and fundamentalists were an endangered species!

The reality is that times have changed. Instead of kids shooting spitballs at one another, they sometimes shoot bullets. Teachers teach in fear. Neighborhoods have to put together programs to protect personal belongings. Therefore, a tougher, more disciplined response has been taken by many communities--including the Antelope Valley--a response designed to keep the peace and safety for the majority of the citizens. That is the will of the people who live there . . . Republicans and Democrats . . . Christians, Jews and atheists alike.



