
Dropping the Pledge Hurts Patriotism


* An article I recently read made my blood boil! State Assemblyman Bill Morrow (R-Oceanside) has voiced the feeling of so many of us who, once again, are appalled by the attitude of a small number of today’s young people. For the student government of Saddleback College to decide that the Pledge of Allegiance will not be said at the beginning of their meetings is unconscionable.

We are privileged to live in the greatest country in the world. The very structure of our democracy gives us the opportunity to voice our opinions while still protecting the rights of all its people. Should we not be proud of everything our country stands for, and more important, proclaim that pride by pledging our allegiance to it and all it has stood for for more than 200 years?

Lack of respect for the law, for each other and for such basics as the Pledge of Allegiance, chip away at the patriotism that has always been imbued into our thinking.


Let us stand tall and be proud to give our pledge of allegiance to our great country.


San Clemente
