
Notes about your surroundings


Wings--Imagine having to spend the entire day watching butterflies. It’s tough work, but Orange County Vector Control needs volunteers to do it.

Butterfly counts provide area specialists with estimates of how different species are surviving in Orange County’s urban environment. Several counts will be held in several areas of the county throughout the summer.

Unlike birds, butterflies become active in midmorning. This alleviates the need for an early wake-up call for hobbyists to participate in the butterfly census.


Participants should bring a pair of close-focusing binoculars and butterfly field guide. Nature and book stores carry a variety of guides to choose from. Also bring drinking water and sunscreen and wear comfortable shoes.

The first census will be June 18 in San Juan Capistrano.

Anyone wishing to get involved in the butterfly count should contact Larry Shaw with Orange County Vector Control at (714) 971-2421, Ext. 121, or Don Mitchell at (714) 550-7420.

For the birds--If you’re wondering what your back-yard birds would really like for breakfast, lunch and dinner, here are some suggestions.

Experiment with small batches until you find the blend that your feathered friends prefer.

-Warblers, wrens, mockingbirds, robins and bluebirds: Mix peanut butter, corn meal, lard (or bacon grease), currants in a bowl. Roll into a small ball. Dip in wild bird seed.

-Finches, towhees, juncos and plain titmouse: Sunflower seeds.

A note about feeders: Use a platform feeder for towhees, doves, blue jays, blackbirds and crows. Small perching birds (sparrows and finches) will readily use tube feeders.
