
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Aphids Bugging Area Residents : Santa Clarita: City arborist says insects attack blossoming trees, leaving mess on cars, sidewalks.


Aphids suck.

Just ask residents of this tree-loving bedroom community, who have been complaining by the dozen to City Hall about the small green-and-white wooley aphid insects that have invaded the community during the past few weeks.

“It’s a sucking insect that sucks the juices out of the tender leaves,” said City Arborist Ray Miramontez. “The weather, being mild and humid, is conducive for aphid growth.”

Unusually high numbers of the insect have attacked blossoming trees, leaving a sappy mess on cars and sidewalks in their wake, Miramontez said.


“You’ll see the young growth on the ends of the trees curled up and lots of [sap] droppings on the ground,” he said.

The aphids have a special fondness for ash trees, Miramontez added.

Complaints from residents have focused on damaged tree leaves and sticky but harmless sap on their cars and homes.

City officials decided to issue a list of tips for dealing with the bugs as a result, Miramontez said. He said the simplest solution is just to wait until July’s summer heat kills the bugs off.

Those who don’t want to wait can spray their trees with a mixture of dishwashing soap and water, Miramontez said. Or they can “try the garden hose approach,” spraying them with water.

“You actually will have killed a lot of them by doing so,” he said. “They don’t have that much energy or life cycle to even make it back to the trees.”

The trees will recover and should look fairly normal by the time summer is in full bloom, Miramontez said.
