
Radical Christians’ Anti-Gay Agenda


* Elaine Minamide (“Sticks and Stones and Homophobes,” July 9) states that “people who object to homosexuality [on religious grounds] are not consumed with hate. Rather, they are people who choose to believe in God’s plan for mankind.”

Ms. Minamide is either naive or purposefully attempting to mislead people from the blatant acts of radical Christians against gay people.

Turn now to the city of Garden Grove. A businessman in the city wanted to open a restaurant that is currently vacant. All permits were approved except for the final conditional-use permit. It was then discovered that this businessman is gay. The permit was denied, based on the man being gay. The night of the City Council meeting 250 Christians showed up. They said, “If you grant this permit you will grant the right for pornography, condoms and liquor bottles to be strewn in the streets . . . “


The Christians were not acting in a good business sense. They acted in overt hostility (the businessman required a police escort to protect him as he left--even that did not stop him from being spit on). The goal, it appears, of the Christian right is to stop homosexuals from all normal functions--home, work, and entertainment. When I read articles such as Ms. Minamide’s, I only wish it were true.


Garden Grove
