
Hot About Pork


Thank you so much for Lynda Barry’s story (“Pork Memories,” August 3). It’s one of the most memorable and entertaining stories I’ve read in any part of the Times in many years.



I was enjoying your Lynda Barry article this morning during breakfast until I choked over the author’s reminiscences of how her family ate whatever meat they wanted because her father, the butcher, would mismark meat packages and essentially steal from the grocery chain. She later recollected that “besides the things we stole or bought from the penny candy counter” she fed the pig red licorice. I honestly wonder why you found this article appropriate to publish at all, and I am saddened that you treat issues like stealing so cavalierly.


Huntington Beach

Thank you so much for providing us with the “Pork Memories” experience as written by Lynda Barry. Although I’ve never known the cultural experiences she expressed, I felt an understanding of childhood memories that evoke the same emotions, locked in with food, home, love--and pain! Please continue to find articles like this for all of us.



Bermuda Dunes
