
CENTENNIAL FAIR?: It’s the Ventura County Fair’s...

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CENTENNIAL FAIR?: It’s the Ventura County Fair’s centennial year, by one count. But nowhere in 12 days of attractions beginning Wednesday is an anniversary event. . . . It’s a matter of opinion, said publicist Devlin Raley. Was the fair born in 1874, when county residents had the first annual festival, or in 1895 when the 31st Agricultural District formed and held a fair? “There’s been so much confusion as to which fair this is, that [celebrating] it was low priority,” he said.

GIVE ‘EM THE BOOT: Troubled Ventura County youths may soon be sent to a new boot camp (B1). . . . If approved, the camp would teach discipline and responsibility. . . . But Judge Steven Z. Perren, who presides over juvenile court cases, said the camp needs follow-up. Officials are considering an “after-care” program in which former offenders would check in daily to help keep them on the right path. “We can’t just cut them loose and set them adrift in the sea that caused them so much trouble in the first place,” Perren said.

NOT FOR THE BIRDS: A curious California condor dropped in at a Kern County campground last week where campers shared hot dogs, popcorn and bread. . . . The endangered vulture fell ill and was taken to the Los Angeles Zoo for treatment and testing. . . . Said Marguerite Hills of the Condor Recovery Program in Ventura: “We have signs and people up there telling campers not to feed the condors. It’s always something with the condors.”


TALK ISN’T CHEAP: Thousands of Americans have moved into the motivational speaking business, making big money telling business managers, salespeople and others how to be successful (Valley Business Page 3). Lorna Riley of American Training Assn. in Thousand Oaks makes a six-figure salary speaking and teaching, encouraging people to “take the leap,” “stretch and expand.” . . . “I’m a very inspiring speaker who teaches people how to get unstuck,” she said.
