
Supervisors Honor Probation Officers

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They say their jobs are tough and that they get little respect.

That is why the officers were glad the county proclaimed Thursday “Probation, Parole and Correctional Association Day.”

“The people who are working in the field aren’t getting a lot of recognition,” said Cal Remington, deputy director of the county’s Corrections Services Agency, after the Board of Supervisors’ proclamation was issued Tuesday. “This is really just an effort to recognize, once a year, the probation, parole and corrections officers who spend their lives fulfilling the role of their jobs.”

During Tuesday’s board meeting, Remington said his agency handles nearly 80% of its juvenile cases through forms of rehabilitation that do not involve incarceration.


Supervisor Susan Lacey presented Remington with the large proclamation Tuesday and thanked Remington’s agency for its work on youth crime prevention.

“We need a way to remember these [officers] and what they give, to young people especially,” Lacey said.
