
LAUSD Breakup Aims to Rid Special Interests


* If I recall my history, I believe it was Henry Ford who assigned a project to his engineers and gave them, I think, a week to complete it. They told him it was impossible. He told them in that case they had two weeks. I guess we will just have to try harder if breaking up is too hard to do.

It looks to me like we are getting ready for another dog and pony show by the L.A. Unified School District in regard to [school board President Mark] Slavkin’s suggestion that individual schools contract with the district. What Slavkin fails to understand is that parents no longer want to contract with the district. The district has become nothing more than a talking head for various special interest groups that control it. One of the primary ideas behind the breakup is to break those special interest strings with which the district binds the schools and keeps the students hostage to (as Slavkin himself said) “advance their own agendas.”

It’s not buildings the parents worry about so much as it is the academic education of their children, absent special interest influence.



Canoga Park

Greenfield is a member of Parents and Students United of Mission Hills
