
Countywide : Brush Fire Traced to Sparks; Officials Issue Safety Tips

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A brush fire started by chimney sparks Wednesday prompted fire officials to warn residents about the dangers of misused and improper heating equipment, which often cause fires during the winter season.

Several San Juan Capistrano residents in the 27800 block of Horseshoe Bend called the Fire Authority about 7:42 a.m. reporting flames near a house. After 16 firefighters controlled the blaze 10 minutes later, they determined that it a had been started by a highly fueled fireplace.

“What happens when you have a fireplace with soot that builds up to a quarter-inch thick or so, the soot can become highly flammable material,” Orange County Fire Authority Capt. Dan Young said. “And if it gets dry and hot enough, the soot can ignite a fire that roars through the chimney like a freight train, throwing stuff out of the chimney,” and possibly igniting the roof or brush, he said.


With this week’s wind and dryness, Young cautioned, fires are even more likely.

Chimneys and heaters are the leading cause of home fires in the United States during the winter months, fire officials said. Here are several tips on proper equipment care and use:

For fireplaces:

* Before your first fire of the season, clean the chimney of soot and make sure the spark arrester is in good shape.

* Don’t use any sort of kerosene or lighter fluid.

* Don’t try to burn trash of any kind in your fireplace. Any discarded material can give off potentially toxic fumes.


* Always make sure your fire is out and the ashes have burned for about an hour before you retire for the evening.

* Is the chimney solid: No cracks of loose bricks? All unused flue openings should be sealed with solid masonry.

For portable heaters:

* Portable heaters should be at least 36 inches from anything flammable, such as wallpaper, bedding, and clothing, as well as pets and people.


* Never leave portable heaters on when you leave the room or go to bed.--TINA NGUYEN
