
School Busing

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* Re “2 Children Die as Trash Truck Rod Rips School Bus,” Dec. 7:

What a tragedy! Is there $1 or one job worth even an injured child, much less a child gone forever? I think not.

We teach our children to avoid all of the possible dangers as they walk to school, but then we put them on buses to go across town--and for what?

Busing requirements for integration purposes are no longer required.

Wouldn’t it be much smarter and more cost-effective to put the millions of dollars we are spending on busing into educating our children, especially when California is so near the very bottom of the list in achievement, and get the smelly, nonessential bus traffic off the streets and highways, with only the exception being those essential for outlying districts?


Under no circumstances will I allow any of my children to be bused. It can be stopped if the rest of you parents will step up and make your views known.


Tujunga Caption: Associated Press

U.S. soldiers patrol in Bosnia.
