
D.A. to Review Allegations Related to Assembly Races

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The district attorney’s office confirmed Thursday that it has received a written complaint concerning the nomination papers filed by Democrat Linda Moulton-Patterson for her unsuccessful attempt last month to replace recalled Assemblywoman Doris Allen.

Prosecutors have also discussed with Jacob “Jim” Rems his allegations that the chief of staff for Assembly Republican Leader Curt Pringle warned him last month to stay out of an Assembly primary race, “threatening” to marshal GOP resources against him if he took on the incumbent.

Deputy Dist. Atty. John Anderson said that both issues would be reviewed thoroughly.

Leon McKinney, president of the county Young Republicans chapter, filed the complaint against Moulton-Patterson, Anderson said. McKinney could not be reached for comment.


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach), who reviewed the papers Moulton-Patterson filed to run in the replacement election for Allen’s seat, contended Wednesday that she had falsified some of her candidacy paperwork and that others had circulated at least one of her nominating petitions.

Moulton-Patterson has denied the allegation.

In a separate episode, Rems said Wednesday that Pringle’s chief of staff, Jeff Flint, warned him to stay out of the 70th District race against Assemblywoman Marilyn C. Brewer (R-Irvine).

Flint described the conversation as cordial and said he made no threats.
