
VILLA PARK : City OKs Converting Old Tracks to a Trail

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A multipurpose trail that would offer a number of possibilities for youth recreation activities has won an endorsement from the City Council.

The proposed Tustin Ranch Trail Project, approved unanimously by the council, calls for converting an abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad spur into a trail. The spur runs from the Santa Ana River in Orange to Newport Boulevard in Tustin, with part of the route going through Villa Park.

The city of Orange is seeking a federal grant to build the trail and has asked Tustin and Villa Park to support the application.


Fred Maley, Villa Park city manager, said backing the federal grant application does not commit the city to any cost for building the trail. Villa Park would have to pick up the tab for maintenance, however, for the section of the trail within its borders.

Councilman John Frackelton said the council should not turn its back on any proposal for a new recreational area. “I would hate to stop the process,” he said.

The proposed trail would extend along the former site of the Villa Park Orchards Assn. Packing House and south from there to the east side of Wanda Road and to Collins Avenue.


Maley said the federal government has a special fund for converting former railroad rights of way for recreational use.
