
LA PALMA : City Will Pay Former Official for Workshop


The City Council has approved spending $1,200 for a Jan. 13 workshop at which officials will discuss goals for city government.

The contract for the workshop has been awarded to a company headed by Len Wood, who served as acting city manager from April to mid-September, when Daniel E. Keen was hired for the job permanently.

Wood, an urban consultant who lives in Rancho Palos Verdes, conducted a similar goal-setting workshop for officials last year. Two new members, Charlene Hatakeyama and Kenneth Blake, have since been elected to the council.


In a memo to the council, Keen said that the workshop will focus on team building; analyzing the city’s “strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities;” and developing a vision for the city and setting goals.

The council approved the $1,200 contract earlier this month as part of its consent calendar--a listing of usually routine items, such as council minutes, that are passed at one time, usually without discussion.
