
Impostor May Prompt Forfeits, but Pierce Will Wait on Texas


Pierce College has not decided to voluntarily forfeit any football victories in which Ron McKelvey, the impostor player at the University of Texas, played for the Brahmas in 1993 and ‘94, Coach Bill Norton said Wednesday.

McKelvey, whose real name apparently is Ron Weaver, left the Texas team hotel before Sunday’s Sugar Bowl loss to Virginia Tech when questions surfaced about his identity.

“Nothing has been determined,” Norton said. “We didn’t do anything wrong, so why should we have to forfeit games? We are conducting an in-house investigation for any documents [McKelvey] filled out when he was here.”


McKelvey was a two-time All-State cornerback at Pierce but he allegedly already had played four college seasons, two at Peninsula junior college in Monterey and two at Cal State Sacramento.

Norton said Pierce will wait to see whether Texas has to forfeit any victories before deciding which course to follow. The Brahmas finished 5-5 in ’93 and 2-8 in ’94.

The school has not been ordered by the Western State Conference to forfeit any victories.

“We’ve been duped just like Texas has,” Norton said.
