
Water Supply Will Be Cut During Pipe Inspection


The city’s water supply will be cut to nearly half of its usual volume Monday through March 8 and March 18-22 as the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California inspects a main pipeline.

The Yorba Linda Water District is requesting that all residents and businesses in Yorba Linda and portions of Placentia, Brea, Anaheim and unincorporated Orange County curtail nonessential uses of water during those periods to ensure that water reserves are not depleted.

Landscape irrigation, car washes and large cleaning projects are considered nonessential uses, officials said.


“District wells will be pumping around the clock to keep as much water as possible in our distribution system. But temporarily eliminating outdoor water usage is the key to getting through these pipeline shut-downs with no water supply problems,” said Mike Beverage, the district’s president.

The pipeline is part of a system that carries water from the Colorado River and northern California sources to Orange County.

Information: (714) 777-3018.
