
City Tows Car of Handicapped Parker


Regarding the opposing viewpoints offered by Susan A. Ginn and Jay Carsman (Getting Answers, “The City Stole My Independence,” June 29), Mr. Carsman, says that he, too, suffers from “chronic pain,” yet he obeys the law. Does he have a place to park his car? Since he is the Traffic Bureau adjudication program manager for the city of Los Angeles, he probably has a garage and doesn’t live in Koreatown, where finding a parking place on a public street is a trial for the most able-bodied person. Mr. Carsman states that vehicles are impounded by private businesses that are regulated by the Police Department. He doesn’t mention that these private businesses have more than doubled their impound fees in the last few months.

Ms. Ginn is disabled and obviously needs her car. Instead of worsening her situation, why is it that someone in the city government has not intervened to help her find safe and legal parking, perhaps in a nearby apartment building with an extra space?


Los Angeles
