
Trustee Term Limits Defeated by Board


A proposal to put a school trustee term-limit measure on the November ballot was defeated last week.

Harald G. Martin, an Anaheim Union High School District board member, was joined by colleague L.E. “Slim” Terrell on Thursday in calling for voters to decide whether to restrict trustees to two consecutive four-year terms.

The school board majority blocked the ballot initiative, however, in a 3-2 vote.

Martin, who said he will reintroduce the matter next year, said there is growing popular support for term limits. And if such a proposal came from the board rather than the public, Martin said, the district would be “ahead of the curve.”


But Trustee Robert Stewart, who voted against a ballot measure, argued that “the people will vote us out of office if the people are not happy with us.”

Serving on a school board is a complicated task, Stewart said, making experience in office a valuable asset. “I’m still learning,” he said.
