
Woman Arrested in Bigamy Case

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When it comes to marriage, three is definitely a crowd--and can also be a felony.

A 19-year-old Thousand Oaks woman found that out Monday morning after being booked into the Ventura County Jail under the suspicion of committing felony bigamy.

Sheriff’s Department Det. Ron Helus said Tuesday that Sherree Ann King-Miller, had not completed divorce proceedings from her first husband, Craig Miller, 24, of Van Nuys, before marrying Raymond Davenport Jr., 26, of Moorpark.

King-Miller and Davenport were married in January in Las Vegas, Helus said.

He said King-Miller had begun a petition for divorce from her first husband a year prior to her second marriage, but the documents were never filed in court.


Police investigators discovered that King-Miller was married simultaneously to two men after her relationship with Davenport reportedly soured while the couple were living in Texas.

After returning from Texas and starting his own divorce proceedings, Davenport requested a temporary restraining order earlier this month barring King-Miller from harassing him at his parents’ residence in Moorpark or any other contact, Helus said.

However, Helus said Davenport reported numerous instances of her violating the court order, including making nuisance phone calls and showing up repeatedly at the home.


Officers probed deeper into the case and learned about her first husband, Helus aid.

If convicted, King-Miller could spend as much as one year in county jail or three years in state prison, according to the Ventura County district attorney’s office.
