
Ralph Nader


President Clinton’s most recent capitulation to Republicans over “welfare reform” proves without doubt that in an election between Tweedledee and Tweedledum a vote for Green Party candidate Ralph Nader is not a wasted vote.

While condemning hundreds of thousands of people to poverty and unemployment, both Democrats and Republicans continue to stuff the already bloated welfare accounts of their corporate sponsors. Government handouts amount to more than $170 million.

Nader’s campaign is a campaign against corporate welfare and represents a new direction for American politics. With limited spending and sparse media exposure, he is already polling between 8% and 10% in California. Voters are realizing that his candidacy embodies honesty, integrity and compassion; qualities Bill Clinton, Bob Dole and Ross Perot could never list on their resumes.



San Francisco


* I’m voting for Nader for president because I’m tired of voting for the lesser of two evils, or the devil I know instead of the devil I don’t know.

I do know that he is an uncommon man, a long-time consumer advocate, intelligent, dedicated, articulate, compassionate, who hasn’t got umpteen million to spend on a campaign.

That he won’t win is a foregone conclusion, so I guess one of the devils will; more’s the pity. Too bad we, the people, vote against ourselves so often.


Santa Monica
