
Seniors / Achievements, activities


At 62, Anaheim resident John Mighell considers himself a self-appointed ambassador of fitness.

“I try to encourage anybody around me, young people and old people, to get into some kind of fitness program,” he said.

Mighell walks about 1,000 miles a year (7,300 miles since 1989), competes in running events and can bench press 155 pounds.


Mighell will be among participants in the first Anaheim Senior Olympics, which kicks off at 8:30 a.m. today with a half-mile Warm Up Walk starting at Brookhurst Community Center. There is no fee to participate.

About 400 seniors are expected to walk, said Nancy Goetsch, Senior Olympic coordinator for Martin Luther Hospital and La Palma Intercommunity Hospital.

The Anaheim Senior Olympics is being held in cooperation with the seventh annual Long Beach Senior Olympics, affiliated with the U.S. National Senior Olympics.

The Olympics-style event is aimed getting seniors to participate and encouraging them to exercise and maintain good health--not necessarily to be athletes, Goetsch said.

“It’s not really about being able to run the 100-meter dash, but just being involved and active and knowing that there’s a lot of things you can do,” she said.

Mighell, who has competed in other Senior Olympics, also will participate in track and field events at Long Beach’s games, held Nov. 1-20.


After retiring in 1989 as an electronics technician, Mighell started walking to get fit.

In 1995, he gave running a try and has since competed in events such as the 50-meter dash. He recently took up lifting weights.

Mighell said staying fit has improved the quality of his life.

“I believe 100% in fitness,” Mighell said. “I’ve lost weight, my cholesterol and blood-pressure have lowered, and I feel a lot better.”

Anaheim Senior Olympic events, which are free except for volleyball competitions, take place on:

* Nov. 3, 8 a.m., Volleyball for Women, Western High School, 501 S. Western Ave.

* Nov. 8, 10 a.m., Bingo for Olympians, Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Ave.

* Nov. 17, 8 a.m., Volleyball for Men, Western High School.

* Nov. 18, 10 a.m., Closing Day Dance, Brookhurst Community Center.

Information (714) 254-4424 or (714) 491-5460.

Volleyball registration deadline is today. To sign up, call (310) 570-1776.
