
Hike Offers Nature and Poetry Reading


Looking for some beautiful outdoor exercise, the highbrow way?

The Conejo Recreation and Park District’s resident naturalist--who also happens to be a poet--is sponsoring a series of monthly twilight strolls and poetry readings on Thousand Oaks’ Oak Tree Canyon Loop.

The next “Sunset Poetry Hike,” as the events are called, will take place Friday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The hike starts at 482 Green Meadow Drive at the Arts Council of the Conejo Valley parking lot.

Alisse Fisher, an outdoor recreation assistant for the park district, said the poet and guide, Thousand Oaks Arts Commissioner John Gorham, makes the short hikes special with his poetry and knowledge of the landscape.


“He used to do these poetry walks and he stopped for a while, but we’re thrilled that he’s back,” Fisher said. “We feel it’s a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors.”

Those interested in the hike, which costs $3, should preregister with the park district. The entire loop is less than a mile long. Participants should bring their own water, and can also bring their own poetry.

For information, call 495-2163.
