
Residents to Seek National Award

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Plans are underway for the Ojai Valley’s application for an All-America City & Community Award for 1997.

Local clubs and organizations have expressed interest in the process, which, according to Ojai resident Sanford Drucker, should take a few months. The application deadline is March.

The awards are sponsored by the National Civic League, founded in 1894 by Theodore Roosevelt. Ten cities or communities are selected for recognition each year.


Drucker said someone from the awards program heard about the Ojai Living Treasures program, which Drucker founded three years ago. Living Treasures honors residents of the Ojai Valley who have made significant contributions in their fields and then arranges for them to be involved in volunteer projects in the community.

Ojai Postmaster David Bonham, who is co-chairing the effort, said Drucker called him looking for opportunities to hold focus groups on the application process. Since then, there have been four meetings.

The first step will be a survey of service clubs, organizations and schools to find out what projects and activities community members consider most effective. The application and a presentation to the awards committee will be based on the responses.


“What we’re reading about, the primary focus was community involvement,” Bonham said of the awards program. He believes that the Ojai Valley has a lot to offer. On past community projects, he said, “there’s been the commitment and the follow-through.”
