
Thanksgiving BluesThe night shift at the LAPD’s...

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Thanksgiving Blues

The night shift at the LAPD’s West Valley station got a Thanksgiving treat from an Encino couple. Orlando and Kathy Herrera sent over turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pies with a card thanking the officers for guarding public safety. The cops were grateful. “Otherwise we’d be eating dinner at some restaurant,” said Sgt. Dan Mastro. “It would be depressing to do that on a holiday.”

Pricey Premiums

Paul Masi found a vastly increased quake insurance bill in the mail last August, based on the total value of his home. The problem is, his policy doesn’t even cover some of that property . . . But the state Insurance Department says that’s legal (B2). Masi calls it “a real fiasco.”

Sin of Omission

The Nov. 11 issue of Newsweek listed the nation’s “25 Most Dynamic Mayors.” But who didn’t make the cut? L.A.’s Richard Riordan (above). . . . In the latest issue, businessman Eli Broad, law professor Susan Estrich and producer Jeffrey Katzenberg spring to Hizzoner’s defense, calling him a “world-class mayor who leads by example.” More politics in the Political Briefing (B5).


Final Notice

What do the Westside Pavilion and Robinsons-May in the Topanga Plaza mall have in common? Both will no doubt be jammed with shoppers today, but both have also failed to inspect their steel-frame buildings for earthquake damage as required, city officials say. . . . Notices of noncompliance will be issued Monday, officials add (B1).
